Baby Travel Gear (0-12m) : the minimum and the must have

Going on your first trip with your baby? That’s amazing! Exciting! And it can be also overwhelming and stressful.

You might want to overpack, to take your whole baby bedroom with you. When it facts, most of it you won’t need it at all.

Here is a list of things you must not forget:

Bottle warmer

Works well with bottles, formula or mother milk, and food jars. Besides, with this you don’t need any electricity. When it gets cold or empty, you can always ask someone on the go for fresh boiled water, and off you go for the rest of the day.

Milk Dispenser

If your baby is bottle fed, then having a milk dispenser is very useful. You can prepare the doses so you only have to pour it into the bottle when it gets feeding time.

When your eyes are still closed at night, this is also very helpful.

Baby carrier

It doesn’t really matter if you use Manduca, Ergobaby or Kolkol. What it matters is that you can wear your baby on the back when he’s old enough and that you feel comfortable either way.

We personally used Ergobaby until it got broken and then changed for a KolKol. Nevertheless, KolKol is available only in India.

Black curtains

During many of our stays, I struggle to darkened the room so my baby could have a decent nap. Until I bought those one and then Covid arrived.

Washing machine tabs

Sometimes, you have access to a washing machine and to keep it the cleanest, the easiest is using the tabs.

The waste free laundry detergent stipres also works.


There is nothing to do to downgrade here. A baby makes a mess, and you’re gonna need plenty of bibs. We usually calculate 2 per day.

Face wipes

Once your baby can crawl, you’re gonna need to wash his little hands on the go. So do not forget the face and hands wipes! Also always carry with you a plastic bag to keep them on the side until you can find a bin.

Sanitizer wipes

This is something new I discovered : wipes for the teats, they are so useful !

Also for this, do not forget the plastic bag to keep them on the side until finding a bin.


Why would you take a single soap for each member of your family ? At home you have space to be picky but while traveling, it is limited. Instead, you can simply take shower gel that does also shampoo and works for everyone.


Here also we count full 2 sets per day. You can find cutes ones at DM or any other stores. If you don’t want to spend much money on this, there must be some baby flea market or other parents in your area to give you some for pennies.

Take also with you a wet bag, to put the dirty one into until you find a washing machine.


It is always a good idea to bring couple of toys, no need to take more than that. Takes those that your baby like the best and the cuddle toy.

Once at destination, your baby can play with any safe thing you can find.

Car seat, stroller, crib

In case you haven’t known this about me yet, I am against traveling with any of those. There are bulky, they are temporally, they are simply annoying.

You can easily rent a car seat or buy a second hand one wherever you are. Best will be to avoid taking the car anyway. Isn’t also stressful to drive on holidays?

The stroller you can also find it to borrow. Generally, we don’t really know where we are going to, how accessible it is and the stroller will simply limit our journey. A baby carrier is the best. Extra tip : after 1 year old you can change your carrier for a Deuter Comfort Pro !

At the destination hotel, most of the time you can rent a crib. Again, if that is not the case, you can find a second hand one. Also, a baby has so many possibilities to sleep: on the bed, with you, on a mattress on the floor, or you can brig only a baby mattress with you. A baby can sleep anywhere, or nearly.