Our survival guide for the quarantine (0-4 year old)

After 2 years of the pandemic, 3 vaccines, we finally got infected by coronavirus.

First it was our toddler who caught it from his day care. After was his younger sister and then the father. A week later I got tested positive.

He had the following symptoms:
– Over tiredness
– Feeling cold
– High fever
– Running nose

Those symptoms did not appear all at the same time. One day it has running nose then it went away and had high fever. At first, it looked like a flu for which he couldn’t recover from it somehow.

So it is more than a week stuck inside for the toddler. He’s waiting for his father to test negative to go back to day care. Until then, the sunny day at home are getting long.

We try making craft, playing music, watching TV, baking, puzzles and books. Still, he looks to be over bored.

So we tell him: when the quarantine is over, we’ll go to the toy shop!

We all can’t wait to get out of it.

Here is the list of things he enjoys the most during this time:

Slowly reaching the end of our quarantine, we can’t wait to have one of us taking the kids outside !